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Parenting from the Tree of LIfe

Course Description

In the beginning, God created the universe and declared it to be good. He created man in His own imagine, male and female, and placed them in a garden, where He also placed two fruit bearing trees. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The fruit of the first tree brings life, the fruit of the second leads unto death. 

This is where the human story begins—this is where our story begins—with a choice between life and death. But not just life or death, but rather a choice between a way of life and a way of death. Two trees with two different outcomes. From which tree will your parenting be guided? 

Course Objectives

The goal of the course is to help you learn a way of life through discussion, modeling and practical application.  For maximum use of our time, reading chapters PRIOR to class and bringing your questions is highly recommended.

To Register, CLICK HERE

April 14

Divine Design Class - via Zoom